The Accelerometer: Interesting Applications

See our TV show LIARSVision!

Take our Tripoli Level 2 practice exam

Next meeting: Sometime December 2015

We are part of the National Organization of Advanced Non-Professional Rocketry called the "Tripoli Rocketry Association". We are also known as Tripoli Long Island, Prefecture #29, the first and oldest group or "Prefecture" in New York State. We are also part of the "National Association of Rocketry (NAR)", and are the North Shore Section (NAR #142).

We have lost our flying field, and are actively trying to find a new one. If you know of any possible flying fields on Long Island, or are a resident of the town of Riverhead, PLEASE CONTACT US. We have the people, experience, equipment and insurance, we just need a new field.

LIARS are still active and fly at nearby club fields. We have lots of experience to share with newbies. During the Winter months we have LIARS meetings, which are both educational and social gatherings. For additional information, Email our Prefect Mike Mooney.

To learn more about rocketry, or to find a club near you, visit or Rocketry Online.

You can see many of us at neighboring launches: especially Connecticut Tripoli, Maryland Delaware Rocketry Assoc., METRA and others...


Copyright © 2007-2011 by Long Island Advanced Rocketry Society (LIARS), all rights reserved.
e-mail: WebMaster
Updated: June 25th 2015
Page accessed times since 10/4/05