LIARS Email System

BUNCH OF LIARS Send a message to all LIARS that have an Email address: Semi-separated or Comma-separated (pick whichever your email client supports).

Click on a name, and you will be put in an Email screen, with the Email address already filled in. If you just point to the name without clicking, the Email address should appear in your browser's status line. If you are a wired LIAR and are not on the list, send us Email with your full name in the text. (A CompuServe or other cryptic ID doesn't give me any hint as to who you are.) Please inform us if you change your Email address.

These LIARS have volunteered their time and skills and accepted ongoing roles in the Club. They and those who came before them have made this club great. We dedicate this hallowed Table to all of those present and former LIARS who have ever qualified to be named here.

Arthur "LandShark" Lekstutis Prefect - Got the job cause he knows what the word means
Ray Carlino President - Looking for an intern
Brian S. Meyer Treasurer - Responsible for the cash
Mitch Pines NAR Adviser - Tripoli Level 3 - No longer a NAR Weenie
George "Jethawk" Smythe Secretary - Keeper of this page and others.
The Web Committee This is the group of LIARS who collectively maintain the LIARS Websites.   Send mail here if you need changes made.  (Be sure to tell us where, as well as what, needs to be fixed.)  We'll figure out who is responsible and get it done.
The Board of Directors Send an email to all of the elected officials and the web master.

Lou Ballini Ken Goldstein Jay Pines
Michael Bauer Joe Ilardi Mike Rosselot
Ron Bauer Terry LaRocca Charlie Schaefer
Matt Becker "PowGo" James Lekstutis Jay Sessler
Jeff Charno Gary & Jim Logan Jesse Sessler
Tim "ROKITDOOD"Clark Brian Mooney John Tyler
Gary Cole Rich Morrow Kristin Tyler
Scott Conover Mike "TowerMan" Mooney Bruno Tymczyszyn
Russ Englot Al Valenti

Copyright © 2002 by Long Island Advanced Rocketry Society (LIARS), all rights reserved.
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Updated: January 25, 2002