BY LAWS ARTICLE I: NAME OF ORGANIZATION The name of this organization shall be the Long Island Advanced Rocketry Society. We are also known as Tripoli Long Island, Prefecture #29, and as the North Shore Section (National Association of Rocketry #142) ARTICLE II: OBJECTIVE The main focus of this Society is to unite enthusiasts of hobby rocketry, to organize members based on the group’s need for a safe and legal launch site, and to promote awareness of hobby rocketry by means of social and intellectual interaction. It is also our goal to increase and retain the members of the Society. Our last and most important objective, is to provide assistance to members, so that they may enjoy and advance in their pursuit of hobby rocketry. SECTION 1. ORGANIZATION Organizational business will be conducted in a manner consistent with the rules and regulations of the Tripoli Rocketry Association and the National Association of Rocketry. Meetings will be conducted in a manner based on parliamentary procedure. Robert’s Revised Rules of Order may be used for guidance. ARTICLE III: ASSOCIATION SECTION 1. AFFILIATION The Long Island Advanced Rocketry Society will be an affiliated Prefecture of the Tripoli Rocketry Association and an affiliated Section of the National Association of Rocketry. The Society possesses the right to adopt its own rules and procedures within the framework of Tripoli’s and NAR’s rules and regulations. SECTION 2. NON-DISCRIMINATION No person shall be denied membership in this society because of race, color, sex, handicap, nationality, religious affiliation or belief. ARTICLE IV: MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1. REGULAR MEMBERS Regular membership shall be open to any person 18 or older who has the desire to safely pursue hobby rocketry, and is willing to follow the rules and regulations of the Society. All new members are subject to approval by a majority vote of the members. SECTION 2. JUNIOR MEMBERS Junior membership shall be open to any person under18 who has the desire to safely pursue hobby rocketry, and is willing to follow the rules and regulations of the Society. In addition, Junior members must demonstrate they have support from a parent, guardian, or other adult sponsor. All new Junior members are subject to approval by a 2/3 vote of the members. Junior members do not have voting privileges. SECTION 3. MEMBERSHIP DUES A membership fee of $25.00 shall be required for all new Regular members. Subsequent yearly renewals are $20.00. Dues are due in January of each year. New members who join after October 1 of a calendar year will have their dues carried over for the next year. Junior members associated with a regular member, and residing at the same address shall pay an annual membership fee of $10.00 per calendar year. Junior members not associated with a Regular member shall pay the full membership fee. SECTION 4. LOSS OF MEMBERSHIP PRIVILEGES A member can lose his/her membership privileges if he/she violates the established safety codes, acts irresponsibly, or otherwise damages the stature of the Society. The Prefect or President may temporarily revoke membership privileges, which shall become permanent by a 2/3 vote of members. SECTION 5. REGAINING MEMBERSHIP In order to regain membership privileges it is necessary that the member petition the Society in writing with reasons to support their reinstatement. The request for reinstatement must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the members. ARTICLE V: OFFICERS Officers shall consist of a Tripoli Prefect, President, Secretary, Treasurer, and an NAR Advisor. SECTION 1. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF OFFICERS 1.1 Officers shall take position the first week of January after elections in December as specified on Article VII, Section 1.1.5. The term of office is one year, except for the Prefect, which is a permanent position. 1.2 Officers shall attempt to attend all general membership meetings unless he/she has a valid excuse to be absent. 1.3 Those officers who have not complied with the responsibilities of their positions shall be removed as stated in Article XI, Section 2. SECTION 2. PREFECT 2.1 Qualifications: Prefect must be 21 or older, TRA certified for one at least one year, and already certified to TRA Level 2. 2.2 The Prefect shall represent the Society and be responsible for all actions concerning Tripoli. The Prefect shall apply for FAA waivers and any necessary town/county permits, and obtain any required Tripoli launch insurance. The Prefect shall inform membership on information from Tripoli HQ, and shall be an official co-spokesperson for the Society. The Prefect shall certify qualified members by administering TRA written tests and witnessing certification flight attempts. The Prefect has a responsibility to Tripoli to assure the LIARS prefecture and launches are run in a safe, professional manner within FAA/Safety Code guidelines. SECTION 3. PRESIDENT The President shall represent the Society and be responsible for all business concerning the Society. The President shall have full power in the management and business of the Society and shall set and establish all policy of the Society and/or other Society activities under a system of checks and balances performed by the Executive Committee. The President shall be an official co-spokesperson for the Society, lead the other operating officers and manage the day-to-day affairs of the Society. SECTION 4. SECRETARY The Secretary shall take the minutes of the regular membership meetings and any Executive Committee meetings.. He/She will publish and distribute the minutes within two weeks after such meetings. The Secretary will also be in charge of sending out new membership packets, info packets to new inquiries, launch/meeting flyers, etc. He/She will also be responsible for updating the member list, phone chain, By Laws, and any other LIARS documentation, from information provided by the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall collect and tally election votes. SECTION 5. TREASURER The Treasurer shall keep all books and records on money received or disbursed by the Society. The Treasurer shall make financial reports listing all liabilities and assets of the organization available to the Membership. It will be the Treasurer's responsibility to receive dues from new members, provide new member info to the Secretary, and collect and record renewal payments from the members. The Treasure shall also handle funds from the sale of any LIARS merchandise, and reimburse members for approved expenditures. SECTION 6. NAR ADVISOR The NAR Advisor is responsible for all actions concerning the National Association of Rocketry. The NAR Advisor shall obtain any required NAR launch insurance and inform membership on information from NAR HQ. The NAR Advisor shall possess the knowledge and authority to file FAA waivers in the event the Prefect is unavailable. ARTICLE VI: COMMITTEES SECTION 1. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Executive Committee shall consist of the Prefect, President, Secretary, Treasurer, and NAR Advisor. The Executive Committee shall assure that launches are conducted per Tripoli/NAR Safety Code, FAA Regulations and LIARS Launchsite restrictions. The Committee shall also assure all launch equipment will be available at each launch. SECTION 2. AUXILIARY COMMITTEE The Auxiliary Committee shall be responsible for the organization of special events/projects, on an as needed basis. Members of the committee shall consist of active regular members who have been nominated/volunteer and approved by the membership. The committee shall be supported by at least one officer. ARTICLE VII: ELECTIONS/VOTING SECTION 1. NOMINATIONS AND VOTING 1.1 All persons who have not paid the annual membership fee (Article IV, Section 3) shall not be eligible to vote and shall not be considered as official members.. 1.2 Any member not present during elections shall not have the right to be considered for those elections, unless they have notified an officer of their desire to run for an office, prior to the election meeting. 1.3. Any member not present during elections shall not have the right to vote, unless they have provided a written proxy to another member. 1.4 All members will be allowed to run for, but not hold more than one office. Nominations of officers shall be submitted by someone other than the nominee, and the nominations must be seconded by another member other than the previous two. 1.5 The Society shall hold elections annually during the general membership meeting in December, and elected officers shall take positions during the first week of January. New elected officers shall use this time to get familiar with the organization and responsibilities in order to provide a smooth transition. 1.6 All the officers shall be elected by written ballot or a show of hands. The Secretary shall collect, tally, and report the votes. If the Secretary is unable to perform this duty, the Prefect shall collect, tally, and report the votes. 1.7 If quorum is met (Article IX), then a winning (passing) vote shall constitute half of the quorum plus one, unless a 2/3 vote is required. Any reference to voting by the members means a quorum of the members. 1.8 Any motion which requires a vote of the membership shall be seconded by another member. In addition, Article VII, Sections 1.1 and 1.7 shall apply. ARTICLE VIII: MEETINGS SECTION 1. REGULAR MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS The Society shall attempt to meet once a month during the non-flying season under the discretion of the Executive Committee. SECTION 2. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS The Executive Committee shall meet as needed, and may be conducted via phone, electronic media, at a launch site, etc. These meetings are open to the general membership but they have no right to vote in case the Executive Board is to make any urgent decisions regarding the Society. Any opinion from the member(s) attending the meeting shall be presented at the end of the meeting. SECTION 3. ELECTION MEETINGS The elections meeting will take place during the December meeting. ARTICLE IX: QUORUM The quorum for meetings shall be determined according to the member list, and shall consist of at least 25% of the members. ARTICLE X: FUNDING All funds of the Society shall be kept in a account provided by the Treasurer. Only the Treasurer has direct access to withdraw funds. Prior to any removal of funds, at least one of the other officers shall be informed, and approval shall be requested. All purchases over $100.00 shall be approved by the general membership. ARTICLE XI: RESIGNATIONS AND IMPEACHMENTS SECTION 1. RESIGNATIONS 1.1 A letter of resignation should be submitted with two weeks notice to the officers by any person wanting to resign from a given position held by either the members in charge of an activity or any of the officers. 1.2 When a resignation is presented, the Executive Committee will discuss the issue. The resignation will then be presented to the general membership during the next regular membership meeting. Upon resignation, another member shall be elected to fill the office. SECTION 2. IMPEACHMENTS 2.1 When any member feels that an officer is not fulfilling his/her duty, he/she may call upon the rest of the officers to meet to solve the matter. If warranted, the officers shall present the case to general membership during the next general meeting and a probation period shall be applied to the officer in question. 2.2 During the impeachment proceedings the case will be presented. The officer under investigation will be given the opportunity to present his/her defense before the Society. All of the officers present at the meeting shall testify to the party's effectiveness as an officer. 2.3 A majority vote by the members will decide whether the impeachment will be carried out. 2.4 If there is an impeachment, a new officer will be nominated and elected as described under Article VII. ARTICLE XII: AMENDMENTS TO BY LAWS 1. Proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing to the membership for review in a general meeting, by any member. At the following general meeting, voting for the passage of the amendment shall occur. 2. A favorable vote of 2/3 of the members on the issue, is required for passage of the amendment. 3. The amendment shall be submitted to the Secretary for inclusion in the By Laws. Drafted by Fritz Katz, Pres. LIARS Jan 10, 1997 Debated and Revised by the LIARS General Membership, Jan 17, 1997 Approved by 2/3 vote of the LIARS General Membership on Jan 17, 1997 AMENDMENT # DRAFTEE DESCRIPTION SECTION DATE APPROVED